Statement of Intent
Anti Bullying – Call It Out
Be an upstander, not a bystander
Bullying is not tolerated at John Flamsteed Community School. Every student has the right to feel safe in school. We believe that bullying is fundamentally wrong and prevents individuals from taking advantage of social and educational opportunities or from functioning effectively in their role or from feeling safe whilst in school or on the way to and from school or in their communities.
Bullying behaviour:
- Is a deliberate action or actions which hurt or upset someone or a group of people
- Involves an imbalance of power where one person uses this against another
- Is usually persistent, as it happens more than once
Further details regarding examples of bullying behaviour can be found in the Anti-Bullying Policy
All forms of bullying can have negative effects on our wellbeing. We want our school to be a safe and happy environment so that every person has the opportunity to be #nothingshortofremarkable.
Everyone must know what to do if this is not the case.
Within our school, we follow ‘The JF Way’ and our policy supports us to uphold these values.
If you have concerns regarding bullying behaviour, you can seek support from school in a number of ways:
- Speaking to a member of staff in school face to face
- Speaking to a member of staff by telephone
- Using the Call It Out button on the website homepage (anonymous option)
- Using the dropbox in Student Services (anonymous option)