Personal Development
SMSC is compulsory in all State schools. At JFCS, SMSC is taught as part of the Personal Development Curriculum. In whichever way it is presented, Religious Education taught as part of SMSC is non-denominational in approach, conforms to the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus and never attempts to convert students to any particular faith. The school fully respects that some parents and students may have their own particular convictions and if these are incompatible with the content of either religious education lessons, or collective worship, then arrangements can be made to withdraw your child from these. Please contact the Headteacher, in writing, if you need to make this request.
Relationship and Sex education (RSE)
In Personal Development and Science, all Year 7 students study basic sexual anatomy and changes at puberty. As students progress through the school they will learn about the wider aspects of “sex education” i.e. understanding feelings, emotional relationships growing out of sexual attraction, responsibilities of adulthood, parenting and family life, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases. These areas are covered in Personal Development lessons as part of a planned programme and some aspects may also be discussed as students follow courses in English and Science. The Governing Body has a policy statement on sex education which follows the guidelines laid down by the Derbyshire Education Authority. A copy of this statement is available to parents on request. Revised statutory requirements for the provision of sex education in schools were introduced by the Department for Education in Section 80A of the Education Act 2002 and section 403 of the Education Act 1996. These regulations recognise parents’ rights to withdraw their children from this part of the curriculum should they wish to do so.
Supporting the curriculum
Homework is set regularly by subject staff to extend, deepen and enrich the learning which takes place in the classroom. All students use Class Charts as an organisational tool to help them manage the homework activities which need completing. Homework is not something which is separate from what students complete during school, it might involve private reading, making notes, completing classwork, learning for a test, doing set exercises, carrying out surveys and so on. Additional information and our homework policy are available through the school’s website. The role of parents in supporting additional learning is very important to us, and if you are at all concerned about your child’s homework please contact us.
Find out more…
For further information on our curriculum, please contact our Deputy Headteacher Mrs. T Stockley ( who is our Senior Leader responsible for curriculum design.