Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. (World Health Organisation)
At John Flamsteed Community School, we aim to promote positive emotional health and wellbing for every member of our school community. We pursue this aim using both universal, whole school approaches and specialised, targeted approaches to support our young people. In addition to promoting positive emotional health, we aim to recognise and respond to those who are experiencing difficulties with emotional health and wellbeing
In an average classroom, five children will be experiencing difficulties with their mental health.
We have a Mental Health Lead and trained Mental Health First Aiders in school, supported by our pastoral team (Heads of Year and Student Services). The work of this team does not replace the support of medical professionals and Social Care but can provide support in school and an early response to emerging needs.
The importance of good mental health and emotional wellbeing has become more prevalent in our society. There are many agencies and organisations we can turn to for help when we feel unable to cope, however, we can also look after ourselves more effectively, being proactive to protect our emotional health. We are keen to instil resilience and independence in all our students, and self-care plays a significant part in this. How much we sleep, what we eat and drink, how much we exercise all affect how we feel physically and emotionally. The world we live in is arguably more demanding than in the past, so the strategies we use to cope with stress are also crucial in maintaining a healthy, positive and productive lifestyle.
To encourage and support our school community in developing and maintaining positive emotional health, we have complied an A-Z directory of organisations and advice on self-care. We hope that this will help our students, parents, carers and staff in taking a proactive approach to taking good care of their wellbeing. We believe that this is essential for everyone to achieve their potential and lead a happy and purposeful life.
You may also find the links below helpful, students can access these via the tiles on the Student Hub.
Think Ninja – NHS app
Calm Harm – NHS app
Kooth – Online counselling service for young people, available until 10pm
Young Minds – A wealth of information for young people and parents/carers
Stay Alive – For those at risk of suicide or who are worried about someone
Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service – Advice for all