Please click on the relevant tab on the right-hand column to see the overview of key information for your child for the coming year which includes key dates for your diary, planned educational visits, enrichment opportunities and links to curriculum information for Term 1 along with key contacts in school. We will be issuing this again at the start of Terms 2 and 3 so that you always have accurate information about these areas of the school to hand.
As a school, and especially as a Senior Leadership Team, we are always keen to hear your views on all aspects of school life and appreciate the time you take to share these with us. School improvement is at the very heart of everything we do and your views are a significant part of this. You will remember that Mrs Frost-Briggs carried out a Parents/Carers Big Ask activity last term which asked parents/carers to highlight to us where they felt the school was doing well and where they’d like to see further improvements. Mrs Frost-Briggs then wrote to parents in her summer newsletter including a section about the results and response from the school moving forward. This can be found here.
One of the key areas for development was surrounding communication. Parents/carers felt that they would like to know all the key events/trips/opportunities that their child would be able to access more in advance at the beginning of the year. In response to this, I’m providing this Key Information document will help draw together a number of aspects of school life into one handy document. This could easily be attached to the refrigerator door for easy reference throughout the year; all students have been issued with a JF Way magnet to help with this!
As always, please do contact us should you have any queries or concerns regarding any aspect of school life.