Examination Results

Please find below the 2024 performance outcome for KS4 students at John Flamsteed. Further information can be found on the DfE website by following this link: DfE Performance Tables

PERFORMANCE MEASURE National Average Comparisons JFCS 2023 Outcomes JFCS 2024 Outcomes
Progress 8 Score -0.03 0.16 +0.32
Average Attainment 8 Score 46.2 51.0 50.7
% students achieving a Grade 7 or above in English and Mathematics Data not available 15.8% 17.3%
% students achieving a Grade 5 or above in English and Mathematics* 45.3% 55.0% 59.5%
% students achieving a Grade 4 or above in English and Mathematics 65.1% 76.0% 75.0%
% students achieving a Grade 4-9 in English 74.7% 81.9% 82.1%
% students achieving a Grade 4-9 in Mathematics 70.2% 81.9% 82.1%
English Baccalaureate (EBacc) point score 4.05 4.65 4.45
% students entered for the English Baccalaureate 39% 56% 26%*
% of students staying in education or employment after KS4 94% 95% Not yet available

*this figure denotes the amount of students entered for the English Baccalaureate. Estimated projections will see this figure accelerate for future years as we have introduced a third GCSE language of Spanish.

Student Destinations

Based on data for our 2023 leavers, 95% of students stayed in education or gained employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 4. This figure is above national average.