Statutory Information

This page provides information and/or links to information which we are required to publish by law.​ If you require a paper version of any information on this website please do not hesitate to contact us. This service is provided free of charge.

This school is a member of the East Midlands Education Trust.

School Name:  John Flamsteed Community School

Postal address: Derby Road, Denby, Derbyshire, DE5 8NP

Telephone No: 01332 880260


Name of Executive Head Teacher: Mrs H Frost-Briggs

Name of Head of School: Mrs L Hilton

Enquiries contact name: Mrs J Hampton – PA to Head Teacher

Name of the Chair of the Local Governing Body: Mrs Julie Parkman – The address to contact the Chair of the Local Governing Body is the school address as above.

Name of SENDCo: Mrs S Furniss

Admissions arrangements (Current Academic Year)

Please follow the related link to our dedicated Admissions page which sets out the Admission arrangements for John Flamsteed Community School. These arrangements are without prejudice and are set out in accordance with DfE regulations.



Exclusions arrangements

We reserve the right to use exclusion from school on either a fixed-term or permanent basis. Decisions to apply this sanction rest with the Executive Headteacher and Head of School. Exclusion is a serious sanction and must be reasonable and proportionate. Careful consideration must be given to the nature of the incident and full account taken of the student’s age, any special educational needs or disability they may have and any religious requirements affecting them. The indicative sanctions table indicates the type of incident that might warrant exclusion, but the list within the table is not exhaustive. Reintegration meetings should always follow a period of fixed term-exclusion.

Information regarding exclusions is contained within our Behaviour Policy provided as a linked document.

Behaviour Policy

At John Flamsteed Community School students wear a uniform which demonstrates their commitment to our school and the professional standards that we value within our community. Please use the links below to access our current Uniform Policy

School Uniform

We have a dedicated page on our website which outlines our current inspections. This can be found by clicking the link below:

John Flamsteed Community School | Ofsted Reports



Most recent OFSTED report

The school was inspected in 2019 in which HMIs carried out a short inspection. Please find below the outcome of this inspection.

Overall effectiveness: Good

Short Inspection Report – 27th March 2019


Prior to Academy Conversion

Full Inspection Report –  20th January 2016


Please follow the related link for further information.

John Flamsteed Community School – Ofsted Reports

Please find below the 2023 performance outcome for KS4 students at John Flamsteed. Further information can be found on the DfE website by following this link: DfE Performance Tables


Performance Measures National Average Comparisons  JFCS 2023 Outcomes 
Progress 8 Score  -0.03  0.16 
Average Attainment 8 Score  46.2  51.20 
% students achieving a Grade 7 or above in English and Mathematics  Data not available  15.8% 
% students achieving a Grade 5 or above in English and Mathematics  45.3%  54.1% 
% students achieving a Grade 4 or above in English and Mathematics  65.1%  76.0% 
% students achieving a Grade 4-9 in English   74.7%  81.9% 
% students achieving a Grade 4-9 in Mathematics  70.2%  81.9% 
English Baccalaureate (EBacc) point score  4.05  4.65 
% students entered for the English Baccalaureate  39%  56% 
% of students staying in education or employment after KS4  94%  95% 


Based on data for our 2021 leavers, 95% of students stayed in education or gained employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 4. This figure is above national average.

John Flamsteed Community School operates  a typical 33.3 hour week. The school day starts at 8:40am and concludes at 3:20pm (not including optional before or after school activities). Please click the link below to find out more about the structure of our school day.

The School Day

Parents and other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum we offer by visiting our Curriculum page.

Our Remarkable Curriculum

Name of Curriculum Lead

Mrs T Stockley, Deputy Head Teacher

Approach to the Curriculum

The school has a two-week 50 period timetable. Our school day starts at 8.40am, with a 20 minute Tutor Period, and finishes at 3.20pm. Students have a 25 minute break in the morning and a 40 minute lunch break. We have implemented a 5 minute changeover between lessons to allow student movement time. In both KS3 and KS4, students are taught 5 x 60 minute lessons a day. In addition, the school offers a wide variety of enrichment opportunities after school to all of our students. These operate from 3.20pm to 4.20pm throughout the week.

To find out more about the structure of our curriculum, please click the link below.

Curriculum Summary

John Flamsteed Community School seeks to provide a caring atmosphere based on encouragement, guidance and a sense of belonging, in which the needs of the individual student can come first and be supported by good working relationships between staff, students, parents and the community.

Our values are to help students to acquire a reasoned set of attitudes and beliefs including a respect for, and understanding of, other people’s religious, cultural and moral values and ways of life.

We aim to prepare students for the future so that they are able to develop self-awareness, a sense of self-respect and the capacity to live full lives as independent, self-motivated adults with the will to contribute to the welfare of others and to society.

To learn more about our ethos and values, follow the links below.

The JF Way

For 2023-2024 John Flamsteed Community School was allocated £138,173.00 based on 18% registered for Ever 6, Free school meals, Looked after Children and Service Children.

Please follow the related link to the dedicated Pupil Premium page.

Pupil Premium Funding Website Page

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement


Recovery Premium

The recovery premium grant is part of the government’s package of funding to support pupils whose education has been impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19). Please see below how we have actioned this at John Flamsteed Community School.

Covid-19 Catch-up Funding

John Flamsteed Community School reserves the right to seek payment from parents and carers of students. Please find below the Charges and Remissions Policy of East Midland Education Trust, adhered to by our school.

Charging and Remissions Policy

Special Education Needs (SEND) Report

John Flamsteed Community School aims to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible. Please use the link below to view the SEND Report for 2023.

SEND report for the current academic year

SEND Policy

Accessibility Plan for Disabled Pupils

This policy was developed with representatives from the governing body and healthcare professionals and parent teacher association representatives. This policy should be read in conjunction with the following school policies
SEND Policy, SEND Information Report, Safeguarding Policy, Equalities Policy.

Student Accessibility Plan 2021-2024



In accordance with our schools’ values, John Flamsteed Community School pledge to respect the equal human rights of all our pupils and to educate them about equality. We will also respect the equal rights of our staff and other members of our school communities. We will comply with relevant legislation and implement in relation to equality.

Equality Policy

Equality Objectives

School’s Career Leader

Mrs H Bradley, please contact via telephone 01332 880260 or email 

Careers Programme Summary

As a school we have a statutory and moral duty to provide students in Years 7 to 11 with careers education, information, advice and guidance.  Guidance takes place within the curriculum with support from Form Tutors, Heads of Year and their Personal Development teacher, and with one-to-one interviews with an independent advisor.

For a more detailed summary of our Careers Programme, please click the link below.

Careers Education, Information and Guidance


How we measure and assess the impact of the careers programme on pupils

To measure the effectiveness and assess the impact of the School’s Careers Education Programme, John Flamsteed Community School is working towards achievement of CareersMark.

Data Protection Policy

This document gives information about how the schools within the trust and the trust itself manages, processes and protects data.

Data Protection Policy


Privacy Notice for Pupil Data

We collect and hold personal information relating to our pupils, parents, employees, governors and
others. We may also receive information about pupils from their previous schools, the Local Authority, Department for Education (DfE) and other bodies linked to pupils’ education, development and
welfare. Please see below our Privacy Notice.

Privacy Notice

School Governor Information

John Flamsteed Community School’s Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Julie Parkman. You can contact Mrs Parkman on the following e-mail:

For full details of governors and attendance records, please click here to view our Governance Information Page